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Sunday, June 20, 2010

hepy abah's day!!

abah bebeh!hepy father's day 2 you!!ya syg abah sgt3 byk3..thanx jg ya dr kcik smpi ya mkn cukop2 smpi byk da lmak ya dwet ya ya byk sgt3 ag yg ya pn xdpt nk list kn..time kasih byk3..mintak ampun if ya byk wt dosa kt sory bebeh!hehe..papepon,abah mang abah yg terbest dlm sluro dnia..even ng abah2 alien pn, abah jgk yg terbest!!i luv u abah!saranghae! uhibbuka!

lame da kn?

ui ui ui..!lame ta tules en? kowt..knon2 kt skul maw g lab compbut, kmalasan je..hehe~ampun dong buk..! maw cite eh?haa..nexweek we're going back 2 da hosp for prctical for about 9weeks!!cn u imagne dat? pn da kurg taw..shud b 10weeks..haa..then..plan2 nk g genting(puncak keriangan~)wit ms.A, ms.E, ms.L n's mama haf a course there..n she wants 2 take her kids along..but, ms.A's adik2 is still kcik n its no fun to play wit them..ish, kcik ati adik2 ko 2 taw!!so, she wants us to come la..bsides, da lme x hang out together gather kn..sebbaek time 2 i off..bole la nk ikot g..on monday till wed i on morning shift..then off for 2 days..thurs n fri..n i haf 2 work on weekend!where evrybody else is still sleeping or lazy2 on their bed!!! ni kn nurse yg tabah okeyy..n ag 1..bile la rsult utk scholarship ni kua!!???ish..pnt aku tggu..skang ptptn da msok..means kne tggu nex sem ke?aiyooo..xdpt la nk kmpl dwet byk..lme a ag nk jd org kye..ish~kciwa la sy cpat la pulang..i wanna see u..been looking for u for tiz whole 1 week taw..nape asik tade je ni..?iiisssshhhhhhh!!!

*benci aku! sebel aku!hehe..

Saturday, June 12, 2010

yeay siap pn!!

yeah!!finally cyp jgk cupcake..even xsberapa okay la..1st tyme meh..prctce make perfect kn..?so, t if da wt byk3 kali, comey a t en..?hehe..*snanye nk amek ati sniri jgk je~

lol..umm..pnt n nantox..but, rse cm nk mandi je..ploh2 kowt..mang tabah gle a wt kek..bole tough!!haha.. ngek~k, la..pnt suda..nk mandi solat then..BOBOK!!!nantox weh~

Friday, June 11, 2010


hi!!im about to make cupcakes..but then, mama dun wanna la???aih~been bz since then searching for cupcakes yg sng tp bhn nye tade plak..ish..mama, help la..ya, nk wt ni..nape tanak tlg..ih~

Thursday, June 10, 2010

sri langat*

heyt!umm.. act cm tatawu nk cte psl pe kowt..umm.. pe eh?k, fesbuking ng kwn2 lme tyme primary dlu..n dorg still rem me!!!hahaha..yeay!!then knon2 plan nk wt reu W suh pki mekap tbl2 so peeps wont recgnize us..i said, alg2 baek wt theme dye, masquarade..then mr.H kte, peeps will still know its me..sbb im short!!cis.. hmpeh btol dye ni..but i thnk lme ag kowt if nk reu ke pe..since evrybody is very bz..n some are stdyng, haf 2 wait 4 them la..if not, bkn la reunion nmenye en..?umm..xsaba seeing them again..4sure everyone is changed..diff looks..diff sizes..huhu..bestnye if wat btol..hmmmm...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

tibe2 teringat kamu...

sedang sy mengemas bju2 dlm beg yg bwk blek aritu..then bukak diary yg da lme xtules..(sume salah ko blog!!)then, bce blek menda2 lme..then byk cite psl dye..huhu~bley plak glak2 ble bce 2 en..? haha..rndu kt awk la..awk tamo msg sy ke?umm.. salu cm nk msg awk, tp pike22 blek.. xjadi pmalu kowt awk kn?awk kn taw.. haha..umm.. pape pn awk still kwn salu hrp yg tebaek utk awk xpape da so over u now.. kdg2 dtg jgk la rndu sy kt awk.. huhu..kdg2 jela tp nye..lalala~awk rndu kt sy x?rndu x?rndu x?rndu??wahaha..bgos..mang ptot pn awk rndu sy..bru adil kn? haha..byk kowt menda best kte same2..even kjap je, tp sgt bmkne kowt wt sy..awk org 1st sy syg taw.. haa..ptot rse bgga cket.. hehe..tapela..tanak ungkit hal awk ag..bia awk ng idop awk, sy ng idop sy.. kn?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


tibe2 klas jd sjuk plak en?ish..ready2 nk pzent pasni..neves!nk kenc!!ouh~tadapat thn kn utk sy pliz..


eyt, actually i've been wanting to write tis post yesterday but tade mase kn..haa..cani..there's a girl called ms.I, n she drived me CRAZY!!!we actually are assgnt to do diz work..(unfortunately we are in da same grup~)n i'm da leader..hell, yeah~haha..then when i ask bout da assgnment, she said she's working on cket nk cyp sume la..okay2..tape..wat la..since she IS doing it, so, i takesa la kn..bgos la..kn3?? haa..i kn a gud leader..lalala~huhuw!ok2, smbg blek..then bile i ask to give me da draft n evrything to be printed,she said "alaa.. xcyp ag.. ad ag cket.. tape la t print sniri..kt umah I(nme bliau) ad byk cc bole print ble2 pn.."okeh..lntk ko la, i pn print la yg len yg ad 2..hoping dat she really will go n print her ysterday, da day we actually have to do da pzentation, i ask for da printed assgnment..then she said xprint ag..n BLOM CYP..huh! mara la ni..n d other grup mates pn pns ati la kn..da bg byk pluang kn..haa..then kitorg pn anta la ne yg ad dlu.."t ko anta sniri!!" - i said..pastu time yg dye ptot mglupo cyp kn keje dye,dye bole la plak g mkn dlu..adoh..then, time ktrg tgah lpak2 kt lua,tbe2 dye dtg nanges ckp kt ms.M,"nape ko pdm I pnye keje? xsave ag la"haha..bunguk ke x if dye wt keje but so stupid for not saving all..ngok en? adoh..runsing btol org cani..she said evrythg was lost means she have to type evrything all over again la i care?what i really care is da assgnment is handed to ms.P..wateva happen!!hahaha..sangat kjam en?lalala xpdulik pon~pastu dye taching2 then dye blek..DYE BALEK????sukak suki mu ja..oi keje ko xcyp ag la..!!then ms.A ckp keja la dye..then i said, pelu ke??tp i did jgk..bkn la keja beriye gle keja smbil jerit2 pggl nme dye..x okeh..bkn begitu..i called her je..tu pn dye xjwb..then i taching i cried..huhu..i emosi xterkawal k..maaf la..then, lame2 pastu, ms.F plak call her..she said t ad org bg kn assgnment kte, dtg jela pzent sme2..she said, pn watpe I ad kt sne..(hoho.. dye seda dri nmpknye.. gud3..)then dye dtg blek wearing t shirt je knon2 nk blek pastu,tp jap ag, dye da tuka bju len plak..turn out dat, dats ms.R pnye bju n ms.R g blek plak..huh?? sengal..umm.. 2 jela kowt cite dye..cnclusion dye, jgn amek ksmptn kt org yg baek2 ng kte..n in diz case, i la org yg diambil ksmptn..huhu~cian kt dri sniri kn?cis, bedebah pnye org!gram2..